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A number of testimonials from Clever Talk clients are listed below:


Business Telephone Systems

When our business took a change in direction we needed to update our telephone systems. Clever Talk consulted on numerous options available, there were so many to choose from and our inhouse knowledge was limited. They consulted and guided step by step, through the pricing, selection, set up and training of it. We now have a leased line with a fully hosted system. Its not only the latest technology but has been competitive on the running cost. For a company that wasn't sure about technology, Clever Talk were very useful.

Gas Repairs, Edinburgh

Utilities - Electricity

Running a busy salon, we don't have the time to have numerous meetings or make endless calls to get the lowest prices. After one visit from Clever Talk, we reduced our costs on electricity, water, landline, broadband and our payment terminal. We now have one person looking after these for us. Savings in all of these areas, hassle free transfers, we would recommend Clever Talk to help.

Health and Beauty, Coatbridge

Business Mobiles

We needed to move away from our existing supplier on mobiles due to poor service and coverage. We weren't sure who to trust or what route to go. Clever Talk took time to understand what our problems were and put together an offer that improved our efficiency and saved money. They helped us every step of the way.

Office Interiors, Glasgow

Mobiles, Hosted Phone System & Utilities

After 10 years of dealing with our contact at Clever Talk for mobiles and a hosted phone system we had no hesitation when they offered to review our utilities. We have now moved our 2 offices to them for electricity and water. The savings were substantial and the transfer was hassle free. Its so time saving having one person look at a business review on both telecoms and utilities. Fantastic help from Clever Talk.

Roofing Company, Glasgow



Reduce Your Business Gas & Electricity Costs

One of the biggest bills that many companies face is for their gas and electricity.  From heating to…


Card Terminals - The Business Benefits

How many of us walk around with cash in our wallet or purse?  The answer is probably a small number …


Reduce Your Business Gas & Electricity Costs