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Business Landlines Glasgow

One of the top reasons customers ask us to provide business landlines in Glasgow and around the area is that customers view them favourably.  The landline associates you with a particular area – you are a local company even if that locality isn’t theirs!  But there are more reasons to have a business landline than just customer perception.

If you want to get access to the internet, a landline connect is still one of the best ways.  Wireless networks can operate around the business premises but a connection to the overall network is still required and that means a physical line.  Once you have that line, you can access all the online software and cloud solutions that your business needs.

Once you have a landline, it is easy to add features that you find you now need.  Let’s say the business is growing and you are adding new staff, but this means more phone lines and handsets.  With a line already in place, it is easier to scale up the package to incorporate these new needs.  You can also incorporate features such as call forwarding to mobiles outside office hours as well as call monitoring, recording and data analytics.

If you are a business that operates from home, a business landline can be a great way to separate calls from your personal line.  Or you can get a deal that offers both but makes it easy to ensure that calls for your business aren’t answered by the kids downstairs.

Contact Clever Talk to discuss your requirements.



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