Home / About Us /Privacy Policy
This website is operated by Clever Talk and we take our user’s privacy very seriously and want to safeguard it. Here’s our privacy policy to show what we do – but websites from links will not be covered so check their policy.
We collect information through request forms and all information is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The purpose of this is to:
Details are entered into a database for general admin and we respect any instructions you send to not provide you with further information.
To help address user needs, we may keep track of how you use the information we send or that is on the website. A record of links accessed by users is one example that lets us find out what information is most useful to users. This allows us to create a tailored website for your needs when you have said it is okay to collect this information. It is held in an anonymous way and stored on privately owned and maintained servers.
Cookies are small files placed on your hard drive to do several different jobs such as navigation, storing preferences and improving user experience. They make websites easier to use and faster. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience.
Some of our pages use cookies to collect information on how the website is used and to enhance user experience. This might be date or time of visits, pages viewed, time on page or where you went before or after our site. Information is kept on an aggregate basis without personal details. If you don’t want this, you can reject cookies, see the help section of your browser on how to do this.
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